Núria Font, friend and accomplice for many years, was there from the start with her passionate approach to dance and her involvement with audiovisual media. Having Núria with us has given us strength to believe in what we do, to aim to make dance a language and to see the potential in performance, without concessions.

A pioneer of the creation of video-dance, she set up various festivals such as VAD, the Muestra de Video-Danza (Video-Dance Showcase) and IDN, dealing with dance, new media and their relationship with the stage and performance.

Núria died in 2017 and has left a huge gap in our lives, but also the legacy of her rebellion in the face of impossibilities or uncertainties.

When she had a problem she would say: “I can’t go under, I’m more angry than sad.”

Here’s to you, Núria.

May she remain among us: she was wonderful.

Lena García Fuente


TAN (For Núria)

Poem written for Núria the day of her memorial at L’Animal a l’Esquena.

Tan rebel / Tan rossa / Tan passional / Tan compartir/ Tanta imatge/ Tan riallera / Tan bo aquest vi! / Tan glamour / Tan elegant/ Tan coqueta / Tan empoderada / Tan dona / Tan divertida / Tanta festa!/ Tan amiga / Tan ella/ Tan Escolta nena! / Tan difícil / Tan propera / Tan bronques / Tan dolça/ Tan acompanyant/ Tan fidel / Tan guapa / Tan poc per viure / Tan vital / Tan caòtica / Tan compromesa / Tan creativa / Tan pionera/ Tan cabrejada / Tan bah! / Tan sabates verdes/ Tan còmplice / Tan jove / Tan cosmopolita / Tan de tot arreu/ Tan mare /Tan delicada /Tan desastre /Tan malaltona /Tan visionària/ Tan valenta / Tan germana /Tan crítica /Tan a la platja /Tan de l’estiu/ Tan de soparets / Tan rebel /Tan estimada /Tan rebel / Tan estimada /Tan fins al final!

Tant, t’enyorarem tant!!